
Secureye took the lead in launching many path-breaking products in its first few years of existence itself. Secureye now is leading the development trend of embedded digital video recorder and has become one of the top 10 brands worldwide. In 2006-2010, the launches of speed dome, decoding card, network video server and network keyboard represented the Total Security and Surveillance Structure of Secureye. In 2011. Secureye’s brand-new generation DVRs based on latest platform had a shining debut. Once these DVRs came to public eyes, they’ve received popular positive feedbacks from distributers and direct customer around the world. In addition to the accomplishment achieved in the storage line. Secureye has also attached great importance to reached and development of camera products, such as IP cameras (ranging from 1.3 megapixel to 5.0 megapixel). HD-SDI camera, Effico cameras (700 TVL), speed domes and etc. With these wide-ranging choices, you can definitely find the products that suit you the most.

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